The Japanese Society of Chiropractic Science (JSCS)

The Japanese Society of Chiropractic Science (JSCS) which was established as a research arm of the Japanese Association of Chiropractors, promotes an evidence-based, patient-centered, inter-professional and integrative care in chiropractic practice.

The main objective of the society is to advance scientific skills and knowledge in relation to safety and effectiveness in chiropractic practice. The society holds a research conference annually in order to assist chiropractors who completed the international WHO-standards education for updating their scientific knowledge in relation to safety and effectiveness in their clinical practices including spinal manipulation/adjustments. The society has been publishing its own journal, ‘the Japanese Journal of Chiropractic Science’ (JJCS) since 1984.

Board of Directors

Chairperson: Masayoshi Tsuruoka PhD

Vice-Chairperson: Seika Kamohara MD, PhD

Research Committee : Yoshiaki Takeyachi MD, DC, PhD

Planning Committee: Tomohiko Wakatsuki DC

Annual Conferences

The list of past annual conferences

Academic Programs and Proceedings (ISSN: 2758-2493)

Upcoming: The 16th Annual Conference of JSCS
Date: June 15th & 16th, 2025
Venue: Web Conference
Theme: 'Quality Improvement in Healthcare and Patient Safety'
Conference chair: Kei Nakatsuka DC (Nakatsuka Chiropractic Office)

Japanese Journal of Chiropractic Science


ISSN: 0912-1110

Vol.1 (September, 1984); Vol.2 No.1 (March, 1986); Vol.2 No.2 (October, 1986); Vol.3 No.1 (March, 1987); Vol.3 No.2 (October, 1987); Vol.4 No.1 (March, 1988); Vol.4 No.2 (November, 1988); Vol.5 No.1 (March, 1989); Vol.5 No.2 (November, 1989); Vol.6 No.1 (April, 1990); Vol.7 No.1 (August, 1991); Vol.7 No.2 (November, 1991); Vol.8 No.1 (March, 1992); Vol.8 No.2 (-); Vol.9 No.1 (September, 1995); Vol.9 (November, 2020); Vol.10 (May, 2022); Vol.11 (Aug, 2023); Vol.12 (Aug, 2024)

Editorial Board
  • Editor in Chief: Yoshiaki Takeyachi MD, DC, PhD
  • Editors:
    • Junko Usuda DC, MS
    • Yuko Kanamoto DC
    • Tomonori Kawai DC, MS
    • Kotaro Suzuki DC
    • Yasunobu Takeyachi DC, MD
    • Kei Nakatsuka DC
    • Hiroe Naruse DC
    • Toshitaka Yamada DC
    • Tomohiko Wakatsuki DC
    • Nobuhiro Watanabe DC, PhD
  • Editorial Advisors:
    • Masayoshi Tsuruoka PhD (Showa University, Japan)
    • Seika Kamohara MD, PhD (Health Science University, Japan)
    • Koji Otani MD, DMSc (Fukushima Medical University, Japan)
    • Dana Lawrence DC, MMedEd, MA (Parker University, USA)
    • Ricardo Fujikawa MD, DC (Madrid College of Chiropractic, Spain)
    • Yi Kai Wong DC, MPH (International Medical University, Malaysia)

Bylaws of the Japanese Society of Chiropractic Science

Article 1 (Objectives)

These Bylaws establish the organizational structure of The Japanese Society of Chiropractic Science (hereinafter the “Society”) in accordance with Article 30, Article 31 and Article 32 of the Articles of Incorporation of the Japanese Association of Chiropractors (hereinafter the “Association”) and the matters necessary for the operation of the Society. The objective of the Society is to promote the development of scientific research related to chiropractic science with the aim of ensuring that it progresses in the right direction and the aim of promoting the dissemination of and raising awareness of chiropractic in order to contribute to the medical care, health and welfare of our citizens.

Article 2 (Location of Administrative Office)

An administrative office for the Society’s operations shall be set up within the administrative office of the Association for the purpose of handling the administrative affairs of the Society.

Article 3 (Types and Qualifications of Members)

There shall be four types of membership in the Society. Admission and withdrawal rules shall be in accordance with the Constitution and By-laws of the Association.

  1. Full member: Full members and special members of the Association, Individuals qualified as JCR (Japan Chiropractic Register) registered chiropractors who agree with the objectives of the Society and join as supporting members of the Association, Individuals qualified as medical doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, anma-massage-shiatsu practitioners, acupuncture and moxibustion practitioners, judo therapists who agree with the purpose of the Society and join as supporting members of the Association.
  2. Honorary member: Honorary members of the Association.
  3. Supporting member: Supporting members of the Association who are not qualified for full member of the Society.
  4. Student member: Student members of the Association.

Article 4 (Committees)

The Society shall have the following Committees.

(1) Management Committee

(2) Ethics Committee

(3) Conference Planning Committee

Article 5 (Activities)

The Society shall engage in the following activities in order to achieve the objectives under the preceding article.

  1. Holding of academic conferences and study groups
  2. Issue of academic journals (Japanese Journal of Chiropractic Science)
  3. Promotion of research
  4. Research collaboration with related academic organizations in Japan and overseas
  5. Investigations, research and recommendations related to the Japanese medical system
  6. Any other activities necessary in order to achieve the objectives of the Society

Article 6 (Officers)

The Society shall have a Management Committee with the following officers.

  1. The Management Committee shall have not less than six (6) and not more than ten (10) committee members including one (1) Chairman and one (1) Vice Chairman.
  2. The provisions concerning the term of office of the officers of the Association shall apply mutatis mutandis to the term of office of the Management Committee.
  3. The election and dismissal of the Management Committee shall be provided for separately.

Article 7 (Revision and Repeal)

A resolution of the General Meeting of Committee Chairmen of the Association shall be required in order to revise or repeal these Bylaws.

These Bylaws shall enter into force as of July 1, 2018.
These Bylaws (partially revised) shall come into effect as from June 18, 2023.
